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Meet Gavin

Kinesiologist & Tutor (DIP. TASK)

"We believe everyone deserves to heal. Naturally."

Gavin is one of the highest trained Systematic Kinesiologists in the UK (the original and authentic version of Kinesiology). He is trained to Diploma level which takes three years. He is trained to teach the Kinesiology Foundation and Practitioner course, which means not only is he skilled enough to teach others to a high quality professional level, but he has also gone through the training himself many times with different teachers. Gavin has also completed extra training in Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology, specifically "Brain Formatting," "Physiology," "Digestive Pathology," and "Neuro-Emotional Pathways 1, 2 and 3." He has also trained in Animal Kinesiology, Child-centred Kinesiology and Emotional Freedom Technique.

Before Kinesiology, Gavin worked as a Young Person's Health and Wellbeing Worker in London to lead inner city people under 30 away from a life of violence, gang crime, sex work and drugs.

Gavin worked holistically, treating the root cause of the problems rather than the symptoms. He was held back by the allopathic health system who use medication to solve any issue. This is papering over the cracks and is not a true life transformation.

Gavin retrained as a Systematic Kinesiologist with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology.


Kinesiology is the science of testing muscles. It enables us to evaluate and correct the responses of your central nervous system to create balance within the body. This is why Kinesiology is unique.


Muscle testing allows us to communicate with your central nervous system to establish where imbalances are, unlike any other therapies. Muscle testing opens a dialogue with your subconscious which is 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. This allows us to be more accurate in finding the root cause of problems, and allows us to go deeper than any other therapy, as muscle testing bypasses the conscious of the practitioner and the client. For example, through muscle testing, we are able to access repressed memories which need releasing; we are able to find food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies; we are able to find the physical dysfunction which is the root cause of your pains, instead of working on compensations which is what other therapies do. This is why Kinesiology is more effective.


Kinesiology is more holistic than any other therapy as we recognise that health is always made up of the emotional, biochemical, physical and electro-magnetic realms of life. Therefore, when illness or dysfunction occurs, all of these areas need to be addressed at the same time. For example, food allergies are emotional as well as due to a lack of nutrients; physical injuries always carry an emotional connection and require nutrition to heal; emotional trauma needs to be release energetically, not just through talking therapy. This is why other therapies do not provide complete healing, because they do not join the dots together. Furthermore, we Kinesiologist do not just join two or three realms of health, we join four.


Through the art and science of muscle testing, we are able to establish where your ill health originates from accurately, instead of guessing or reading out of a book or the internet. This is why Kinesiology is more personal and effective.

Each treatment is unique because every technique intwines your emotional, biochemical, physical and electromagnetic individuality together. So, nothing can get done twice, because you are unique and so every treatment is tailor made to you.

Kinesiology is far more involved, in-depth, accurate, personal, remarkable and holistic than any other therapy. Book a session to find out more, or make an enquiry through the website.

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