My clients know very little about me because their treatment is about them, not me. Whenever they ask, I always bring it back to what’s going on for them.
I want to hear your story because your subconscious mind remembers everything about you. Every experience you’ve had has led you to your current state, so understanding your journey helps me understand how to best support you.
But sometimes people do ask, “Why did you become a Kinesiologist?”
There are many reasons, and here’s one:
The photos here are of me at age 25, on a beach in Los Angeles with a Victoria’s Secret model. I’m wearing expensive designer clothes as part of an advertising campaign designed to sell a feeling—a sense of confidence, a laid-back attitude, a dream of happiness, the perfect lifestyle.
Whatever feelings it evokes in you that perhaps you do not have but most certainly want.
Advertising uses a technique called anchoring, which links products to our deepest desires. This subtle yet powerful method tells you that if you buy these clothes, you’ll get the girl, the beach, and all the other good feelings, that you currently don't have, too. Whatever you are searching for, the message to your subconscious is clear: "buy this, and you’ll get ‘IT.’" Anchoring acts as a form of hypnosis, often utilised in Neuro-Linguistic Programming—some might even call it brainwashing.
But here’s the irony: although the picture may look like I had “IT,” that was one of the emptiest times of my life.
In fashion shoots, every detail is meticulously engineered—tailored clothes, flawless makeup, a curated background in a beautiful location, and Photoshopping away any "imperfections"—all designed to sell an illusion.
Behind the scenes, those in the photos are often treated as commodities, not as people, and they frequently do not live the so-called dream displayed in the image.
What you see in magazines, billboards, and other media sources is largely fake and superficial. These portrayals are designed to make you feel incomplete, convincing you that buying what they’re selling will change how you feel inside.
It is an illusion. Changing your environment, your relationships, how you look, what you wear, where you live, or where you vacation etc—these may bring temporary happiness, but real fulfilment has to come from within.
Even if you buy the product and get everything else depicted in the image, including the parts you cannot see, you might find yourself asking for a refund.
I used to think that industry or lifestyle might make me happy, but it never did. In fact, it made me feel worse, especially when I realised I was part of a system that made others feel incomplete, as though they needed designer clothes to feel better. Today, I am part of the solution which is incredibly fulfilling.
Are you ready to discover what truly brings fulfilment? Kinesiology can facilitate this. It did for me, and it has for many of my clients and others who have experienced it.