At this time of the year tourists are all over Cornwall, stressing locals out. Although we rely on them it can be stressful. What makes it worse is that they are de-stressing. They think life in Cornwall is an easy life of ice creams and beaches. They forget that we are still living our normal lives! Life can be busy and stressful, even in paradise!
Are you tired all the time?
Do you have chronic muscle tension? For example, do you have backache, neck ache or headaches?
How is your breathing? Is it quick, sharp and shallow?
Do you eyes hurt? Do you have dark circles around them?
Do you have a high blood pressure? Do you have an irregular heart beat? Do you have a quick heart beat? Do you have coronary inflammation?
All the above symptoms are caused by increased stress hormones… Increased stress hormones lead to the shut down of two of the body’s major systems:
1. Higher brain function: Feeling unable to cope
Short term memory loss
Unable to learn and concentrate
Emotional sensitivity
2. Digestive system
Irritable bowel
Acid reflux
Acid reflux
This leads to adrenal exhaustion. This is when our stress levels overpower our inability to cope. Symptoms include:
Restless sleep and disturbed dreams
Waking at night
Emotional sensitivity
Confused and forgetful
Tired in the daytime
Shaking hands and unsteadiness
Feeling shaky inside
Irrational behaviour
You will probably know if this is you but in case you want to self test, or test a friend or family (but do not diagnose them), stick the tongue out and see if it shakes. Or shine a light in the eye and the pupils will be quivering or pulsing.
There are 3 stages of adrenal exhaustion:
Stage 1 - General exhaustion
Stage 2 - Executive stress - people that push themselves too hard and burn themselves out and run on nervous energy.
Stage 3 - Reversed adrenal syndrome - people that need sugar as they are running on emergency supplies.
Adrenal exhaustion is linked to your endocrine, nervous, immune, digestive and reproductive systems.
It is not the stress itself that brings us down but our response to it. It is not our circumstances but how we respond. When our nervous system and stress response is balanced then our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system respond properly and reduce negative symptoms.
What does my sympathetic nervous system do? Helps us to be more active in the day
Responsible for fight, flight or freeze response.
Prepares the body for activity
Increases the heart rate
Increases blood pressure and flow to muscles
What does my parasympathetic nervous system do?
Allows the body to unwind
Rest and digest
Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
Pushes blood to digestive and sexual organs.
When our adrenals are stressed then these activities can still happen but at the wrong times or irrationally or not at all, leading to the symptoms listed above.
How can kinesiology help?
Systematic Kinesiology can test to find out which stage you are at. We can then balance your adrenals and the systems that are relevant to your adrenal stress. This can also include your kidneys or your bladder.
We do this by balancing the body on 4 dimensions.
Energetic techniques to balance the vibration of your body to help deal with your situation and the stress it causes.
Finding the right nutrition and remedies to support you by asking your body, this will include supplements such as Amino Acids, Trace minerals in herbs like Alfalfa, Siberian Ginseng, Licorice Root, Ginkgo Biloba or another adaptogen, (a substance that will adapt to our individual stress response.) Finding pathogens and toxins that are causing imbalance in the body
Emotional techniques to help reduce stress from the past, present and the future.
Structural techniques such as lymphatic drainage to help the body function properly.
... and this is all in one treatment which saves you time and money and gets better results.
Why not find out how this works - book now and attend our kinesiology talk and demo.
What can I do until my appointment to manage stress?
Adjust your perceptions - We are living in a state of fear. False Evidence Appearing Real. When the worst does happen though, remember it is how we respond to it. We are living in a state of stress. What can you do differently?
Breathe - Deep breaths into your belly. Count while you do it.
Plan for pleasure - Baths, massages, walking, gardening, meditation, touch.
Gratitude - Write gratitude lists. Write plans and solutions, do not focus on the negative.
I will also show you other techniques to manage stress after a treatment. See you soon!