Definition of gluten: a tenacious elastic protein substance especially of wheat flour that gives cohesiveness to dough.
Etymology of gluten: from French gluten "sticky substance" (16c.) or directly from Latin gluten (glutin-) "glue."
What is gluten?
Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. Gluten can be found in many types of foods, even ones that would not be expected. Gluten is in breads, baked goods, soups, pasta, cereals, sauces, dressings, beer and many other things. Gluten refers to several proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and spelt. The proteins are called "prolamins." The prolamins in wheat are called "gliadin" and "glutenin." The prolamins in the other grains go by hordein (barley), and secalin (rye). Oats do not contain gluten but do contain the protein "avenin." Avenin has a similar structure to gluten. Some people's body's react to oats as if they were gluten. This may also be because oats are often made in factories that use gluten or they were grown near wheat. Gluten-free oats are grown and manufactured away from gluten grains.
What does gluten do to the body?
Protease is the enzyme in the digestive system which breaks down protein. However, gluten proteins are unusually difficult for protease work with. Due to the incomplete digestion of gluten it allows for amino acids called peptides to cross over the small intestine wall and into the rest of the body. The body sees this as a foreign object invading and mounts an immune response. This has given rise to conditions such as celiac disease.
What is Celiac Disease?
It is an inflammatory autoimmune disease in the small intestine. It affects 1% of the population. When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, it irritates the cell lining of the small intestine. This damages the intestine and causes poor absorption of nutrients resulting in diarrhoea and weight loss. Celiac's are more prone to anaemia, osteoporosis, skin diseases, neurological disorders. But some celiac's have no symptoms and it goes undiagnosed. If someone does experience persistent symptoms of constipation, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, stomach aches and tiredness, then they may wish be diagnosed through an intestinal biopsy, a blood test for specific genotypes and antibodies. There is no cure for celiac other than avoiding gluten.
What is Gluten Sensitivity?
Many people in the world have symptoms of tiredness, headache, joint pain, flatulence, bloating, indigestion, stomach aches and constipation after eating gluten. However, they do not have celiac disease and they do not have an allergy to gluten. An allergy will result in a reaction within seconds or minutes whereas a sensitivity may take some time to show symptoms. People can be diagnosed with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity when they experience symptoms similar to celiac but do not have the specific genotypes or antibodies relating to the disease. Kinesiologist can test for gluten sensitivity using special techniques but they do not diagnose, as only a doctor can do this. Kinesiologists can also test what nutritional supplements will help support symptoms of gluten sensitivity and also balance the systems related to it, for example, the stomach, the pancreas and the intestines.
Auto-immune diseases and gluten
Auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, guillain-barre syndrome share immune pathways with celiac disease. Therefore, gluten may cause autoimmune diseases or make them worse.
Gluten and the digestive system
Gluten increases intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut. It can also damage healthy gut bacteria and cause irritable bowel disease among other digestive disorders. Amylase and Trypsin are digestive enzymes to help break down food and absorb nutrients. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates and Trypsin breaks down protein. Gluten contains Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors, therefore the digestive enzymes produced in our gut are rendered ineffective by gluten. This means even if we eat healthy food our digestive system is unable to utilise it optimally due to gluten. Therefore, whether you have digestive problems or not it may be best to avoid gluten. Those not experiencing symptoms now may be struggling on a subclinical level and issues may present in the future. Is Gluten-Free healthier?
Eating gluten free is better for health. But a gluten free health product is not always healthier. The "FREE FROM" aisle has more chemicals, artificial ingredients and processed foods than you could shake a stick at. Instead go for natural, whole foods such as vegetables!
Are you experiencing symptoms of gluten sensitivity.
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