Do you have cracked lips, brittle bones, wounds that won’t heal, low moods, crave sugar or joint pain?
As described in previous blog posts, we are all deficient in nutrients.
3 reasons why people are deficient are:
Malabsorption due to a damaged gut or missing a gall bladder which means you cannot pull in vital vitamins.
Not eating enough of the right foods, or even if you are eating the right foods, it has been grown in poor quality soil and has not acquired nutrients from the soil.
Consuming refined foods and sugars which depletes our body of nutrients.
You can do blood tests to see what nutrients you are deficient in but these only detect nutrients in the blood, not the cells, these are known as “subclinical nutritional deficiencies." We also fluctuate in nutritional levels in our bodies depending on the time of day so it is dependent on when you are tested. They also do not take into account that we are all unique beings with our own anatomy and physiology and we are all going through our own individual lives with its differing pushes and pulls, for example:
You may need more iodine due to a disease such as hypothyroidism.
You may need more nutrients for your emotional health, for example we use more B vitamins up when we are under stress or we lose manganese the more we are tearful (see this blog post).
You may need more nutrients for your current circumstances, for example, someone trying to conceive will need more zinc (see this blog post).
You may need more Vitamin D depending on how dark your skin is, especially with the amount of sunshine we get in Cornwall.
Furthermore, if you take blood tests on the NHS the markers they use to determine deficiencies or excesses are far narrower than if you were to go private. But if you go private it still does not take into account that we are all unique. Therefore many problems go undiagnosed, untreated or misdiagnosed (for an example, see this blog post).
You may be able to identify deficiencies due to symptoms, but some symptoms can be due to many different nutrient deficiencies so you may try supplementing with the wrong nutrition and not seeing any improvements.
How can Systematic Kinesiology help?
There are points on your body called Riddler’s reflexes. Kinesiologists can muscle test these points on your body which can check for deficiencies (or excesses in the case of heavy metals, bacteria or fungus). For example, if I ever ask you to put your finger on your tongue while testing a muscle then I am testing for individual B vitamins.
Your body knows more than a generic medical test which treats us all the same. Kinesiologists can find the nutritional supplement which will bring your levels up to the right amount, for example, I have about 10 different Vitamin Cs which I will test you with, some will not give energy to this deficiency and some will. This is why it is never a good idea to supplement with a generic supplement from the local shop because there are many different sources of nutrients and your body knows which ones you need and muscle testing is the way to find out. A lot of nutritional supplements are more useful in the bin, others are really good for one person but not the next because we are all unique.
Some examples of deficiencies are listed below. You can get these nutrients from food as well but you may need a lot of it if you are significantly deficient which is why it can be more beneficial, easier and cheaper to supplement, but don’t let that stop you from eating healthily or binging on refined carbohydrates and sugars:
Calcium deficiency - Chronic cough, rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, bone pain, muscle weakness, slow healing fractures, muscle twitches and spasms, tooth decay, brittle nails and bones, anxiety, feeling watched or judged, noise sensitivity, depression, anxiety, arthritis, joint pain insomnia.
Chromium deficiency - Hypoglaecemia, irritable, frustrated, confusion, weakness, depression, diabetes, learning disabilities, nervousness, craving sugars and carbs, high fat content in blood, arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries,) frequent urination, thirst, hunger.
Copper deficiency - Leucopenia (low white blood cells), frequent infections, anaemia, oedema, skeletal lesions, ageing, degeneration of nervous system, reproductive failure, cardiovascular issues, high bad cholesterol, defects in pigmentation of skin and hair, bone demineralisation, histapenia (low histamine), ulcers, Menkes syndrome (inability to absorb copper).
Iron deficiency - Craving ice, anaemia, tiredness, weak legs, pallor, breathlessness, headaches, insomnia, sore tongue, nail deformities, eczema, underachieve thyroid, palpitations, nausea, giddiness.
Magnesium deficiency - Weakness, tiredness, joint pain, arthritis, itching, insomnia, high blood pressure, anorexia, vertigo, nervousness, irregular heart beat, cramps, tremors, involuntary eye movements, low blood sugar, premenstrual syndrome
Manganese deficiency - Birth defects, low fertility, depression, anxiety, crying, inner ear imbalance, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, knee problems, poor growth, arthritis, convulsions, dermatitis, loss of hair colour, muscle wasting, epilepsy,
Potassium deficiency - vomiting, abdominal distention, muscle weakness, paralysis, pins and needles, appetite loss, heart issues, low blood pressure, intense thirst, frothy urine, constipation, fatigue, inability to concentrate.
Selenium deficiency - specific symptoms are not yet medically established but has been connected with liver disease, cancers, cataracts, heart disease, rapid ageing, growth and fertility problems. It has been used to treat arthritis, angina, liver disease and detoxification of heavy metals.
Vitamin A deficiency - Lack of night vision, mouth and eye ulcers, eye pains, itching or burning, dry skin, poor hair condition, lung infections, colds, thrush, cystitis, kidney problems, acne, nephritis, psoriasis, liver disease, cardiovascular issues
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) deficiency - Fatigue, heart failure, stomach pains, indigestion, nerve damage, depression, confusion, insomnia, inability to concentrate, numbness.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency - Cracks and sores in the corners of mouth and eyes, cracked heels, bloodshot eyes, light sensitive eyes, feeling like grit in the eyes, conjunctivitis, cataracts, photophobia, scaling skin, dizziness, fatigue, slow learning, dry oily skin, dermatitis, painful sexual intercourse.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) deficiency - Mental health issues, schizophrenia, dementia, depression, anxiety, irritability, digestive issues, insomnia, rashes, acne, inflamed skin, tremors, allergies, in severe cases it can lead to Pelegra which affects the skin, digestive and nervous system.
Vitamin B4 (Choline) deficiency - Developmental abnormalities in foetus or newborns, fatty liver, nerve degeneration, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, high blood cholestral, dementia, Huntingdon’s disease, memory loss.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothetic Acid) deficiency - Burning feet, insomnia, headaches, depression, poor concentration, apathy, adrenal fatigue, restlessness, muscle cramps, waking up at night, stress, nervousness.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) deficiency - Red blood cell abnormality, neuritis, irritability, oedema, bloated, cracks around the mount, muscle cramps, poor memory, menopausal arthritis, skin disease, tingling hands, pregnancy sickness, depression, hair loss, kidney stones,
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) deficiency - Fatigue, depression, nausea, skin problems, smooth pale tongue, hair loss, loss of reflexes, scaly skin, dermatitis.
Vitamin B8 (Inositol) deficiency - Irritability, insomnia, nervousness, excitability, low good cholestral, neuropathy, sleep problems, constipation, eczema.
Vitamin C deficiency - Frequent colds and infections, lack of energy, bleeding gums, easy bruising and bleeding, nose bleeds, slow wound healing, anaemia, scurvy, muscle and joint pain, anaemia, dental problems, gum disease.
Vitamin D deficiency - Rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, bone pains, muscle twitches, muscle spasm, muscle weakness, brittle bones, tooth decay, chilblains, dry skins, hair loss, immune disorders, frequent colds and infections.
Vitamin E deficiency - Easy bruising, Haemolytic anaemia (spleen destroying healthy cells), oedema, exhaustion from exercise, slow wounding, lethargy, lack of concentration, low sex drive, reproductive disorders, neuro-muscular dysfunction.
Zinc deficiency - Loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell and taste, poor wound healing, eczema, hair loss, eczema, reproductive defects, white spots on the nails, slow mental development in new borns, slow growth, increased risk of infection, skin issues, greasy skin, stretch marks, psoriasis, prostate problems, mental health issues, eating disorders, premenstrual syndrome, heavy metal toxicity.
These lists are not exhaustive but you can see how many deficiencies have overlapping symptoms and you may have identified with some of them. It is best not to self diagnose ourselves and others.
With Systematic Kinesiology you can tell me your symptoms and your body can lead me to find out what is causing the imbalance - physically, emotionally, energetically and nutritionally, rather than guessing. I can then communicate with your central nervous system to find out what would balance this problem, this includes finding what nutritional deficiencies you have and finding the specific nutrition appropriate to you, rather than guessing or taking advice off the internet or a book, which might not work.
Do you have any of the symptoms of nutritional deficiency listed above? Have you researched the internet or asked a friend how to treat these symptoms but they haven’t gone away. Get tested with Systematic Kinesiology to find out what is causing your symptoms and what you need to eliminate them. Book now for a treatment to see how this works in practice.