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What problems are associated with the parathyroid gland?

Hyperparathyroidism causes calcium levels in the blood to be too high which is called hypercalcaemia.

Excess parathyroid hormone can lead to negative effects on the body such as osteoporosis which can lead to fractures, kidney stones, decreased kidney function, heart disease, pancreatitis, increased acid secretion in the stomach, abdominal pain and ulcers, fatigue, depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, difficulty with their memory, insomnia, generalised muscle aches and pains, loss of appetite, nausea, colitis, heartburn, feeling hungry all the time, oily skin, water retention, frequent urination, increased thirst, increase urine production, and constipation.

Hypoparathyroidism causes calcium levels in the blood to be too low which is called hypocalcaemia.

This can negatively affect muscle and nerve function. Symptoms include muscle cramps and spasms, tingling, twitching, irritability, lethargy, brittle nails, body hair loss, increased alkaline secretion in the gut, bloating, belching, metallic taste before eating, constipation, stiff joints, full feeling in the stomach, dry eczema, diverticulitis and pins and needles.

What are the parathyroid glands?

The parathyroid glands is a small pea sized endocrine gland in the neck located behind the thyroid gland. We have four parathyroid glands.

What does the parathyroid glands do?

The parathyroid glands control calcium in the bloodstream and bones. Calcium is needed in the bloodstream to make sure the nervous system and the muscular system work efficiently and effectively. It is also needed in the bones to keep them healthy and strong.

The parathyroid glands produces a hormone called “parathyroid hormone.” If calcium levels are low in the body the parathyroid releases parathyroid hormone into the blood and makes the bones release stored calcium which increases the calcium levels into the bloodstream. Parathyroid hormone impacts the kidneys in two ways - it stops calcium being lost via the urine and stimulates the kidneys to increase vitamin D metabolism.

If you do not get enough calcium in your diet or enough vitamin D via diet or the sunshine then calcium levels in the bloodstream drop. So the parathyroid glands produces more parathyroid hormone which causes calcium levels to rise back to normal. The parathyroid can also activate vitamin D in the kidneys which increases calcium absorption in the gut.

What can I do to support my parathyroid?

Treatment of parathyroid conditions include vitamin D, calcium. Other glandular supplements such as Master Gland, Chinese Mineral Blend, Spirulina, Energy-V and many more.

How can Kinesiology help?

Kinesiology uses specialist techniques to balance the parathyroid glands and the rest of the endocrine system to improve its function and correct disorders.

Nutritional support for the thyroid includes vitamin D, calcium and other glandular supplements such as Master Gland, Chinese Mineral Blend, Spirulina, Energy-V and many more.

Kinesiology uses the science of muscle testing to tap into the body’s biochemistry. It will help find the right supplement or food which will be most beneficial to your parathyroid because your body knows what your body needs, this is better than asking the health food shop assistant or searching on Google.

Do you recognise any of the symptoms listed above?

If you recognise any of the symptoms listed above then perhaps your thyroid or another of the endocrine glands needs rebalancing. Book an appointment today to find out and get rebalanced.


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