What problems are associated with thyroid disorder?
Hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid can lead to weight loss, heat intolerance, anxiety, sore gritty eyes, bulging eyes, irritability, sweating, hair loss, increased heart rate, missed or light menstrual cycles, frequent bowel movements, nodules and swellings in the neck.
Hypothyroidism, which is an under active thyroid can lead to tiredness, feeling cold, slow heart rate, sleep issues, tiredness, fatigue, brittle nails, dry skin and hair, joint and muscle pain, constipation frequent and heavy periods, weight gain, poor concentration and depression.
Approximately one in 20 people have a thyroid disorder.
What is the thyroid gland?
The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, below the larynx (voicebox), just above the episternal notch (the fleshy hole above your sternum). It is made up of two lobes - right and left which are joined by thyroid tissue called the Isthmus. The two lobes are located either side of the wind pipe. Each lobe is about the size of a plum cut in half. It resembles the shape of a butterfly.
How does the thyroid gland work?
The thyroid gland takes in iodine, found in many foods such as kelp, fish, dairy and iodised salt. It combines with the amino acid tyrosine to create the thyroid hormones that are then secreted into the blood. These hormones are called Thyroxine (T4 for short as it contains 4 atoms of iodine) and Triiodothryonine (T3 for short as it contains 3 atoms of iodine.) T4 and T3 are needed for the regulation of every cell in your body’s metabolism.
The thyroid works with the pituitary gland in a “negative feedback loop.” It is similar to the mechanism of a thermostat in the home. A thermostat is set to a certain temperature so that it activates a heating system when the room temperature drops below that temperature. In the case of the thyroid, the thermostat is the pituitary (discussed in a part 6). The pituitary senses the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. When the level drops below normal it reacts by secreting Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). TSH activates the thyroid which then secretes more T4 and T3. When the thyroid hormone levels are too high the pituitary stops secreting TSH and so the thryroid stops secreting T4 and T3.
What does my thyroid do?
The thyroid hormones regulate vital body functions such as breathing, heart rate, neural pathways, body weight, menstrual cycles, muscle strength, body temperature, cholesterol levels, digestion, brain development, bone maintenance and many more.
When too much of the thyroid’s hormones are secreted then the body’s cells work faster than normal. This is known as hyperthyroidism.
When too little of the thyroid’s hormones are secreted then the body’s cells work slower than normal. This is known as hypothyroidism.
What causes a thyroid disorder?
Having a baby can trigger a temporary thyroid disorder. This is known as post-partum thyroiditis. The most common cause of thyroid disorders is an autoimmune thyroid disease. Auto-immune disorders are where the body’s own immune system attacks itself. In this case the body attacks thyroid cells as if they were foreign cells. In response the body develops an under active or overactive thyroid. Auto immune thyroid diseases are Hashimoto’s disease which can lead to an under active thyroid and Grave’s disease which causes an overactive thyroid.
What can Kinesiology do for my thyroid?
Kinesiology uses specialist techniques to balance the thyroid to improve its function and correct disorders.
Nutritional support for the thyroid includes Kelp and Black Walnut as they contain a good amount of iodine. Kinesiology uses several kits made up of different types of nutrition that supports the thyroid. During a treatment your body can tell us what specific nutritional supplement your body needs rather than guessing.
Do you recognise any of the symptoms listed above?
If you recognise any of the symptoms listed above then perhaps your thyroid or another of the endocrine glands needs rebalancing. Book an appointment today to find out and get rebalanced.