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Image by Luke Pennystan

Stress Management

If you need calmness, clarity and confidence to balance your life. If you need to sleep well, feel refreshed and reset your body, then Mind For Health’s Stress Management Programme will help you achieve this in a natural and holistic way.


Do you feel stressed?

All of us are stressed. Some are more stressed than others.

You might be stressed due to:

  • Making difficult decisions

  • Settling into a new job

  • Taking on new responsibilities

  • Deadlines - work projects or university coursework

  • Long working hours

  • Fluctuating income

  • Managing family life around work

  • Job and market uncertainty

  • Raising children

Stress is good for us. It keep us moving forwards but sometimes it becomes too much. When our fight or flight system becomes overworked or depleted we burn out and we are no use to anyone. 

You may experience mood swings, you can’t sleep, you toss and turn, you don’t wake up refreshed, you are running on empty, your mind is racing and you can’t relax as you are on high alert. Stress also affects our digestion, relationships, brain function and physical health so it is vital to balance our stress levels with Systematic Kinesiology.

What does the programme involve?

The programme requires a minimum of 5 pre-paid sessions and is tailored to support you as an individual in facilitating positive change. The treatment plan is based on, but not limited to, exploring the following topics:

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